Frack That

Things I would rather do than write my thesis:

1. Re-watch Battlestar Galactica and finally watch the last season.
2. Learn Japanese with the Rosetta Stone program I have.
3. Write fiction for funsies.
4. Blog more.
5. Get perfect scores on all my super-awesome Lego PS3 games.
6. Re-learn how to knit.
7. Teach myself to play the guitar.
8. Learn how to mix delicious drinks.
9. Cleaning my apartment to a more ocd-alicious state.
10. Research laser eye surgery.

This is just a short list of the things I would rather do than work on my master’s thesis. If you had a big project you didn’t want to do, what would you do instead? Let me know and I’ll make a super awesome new list with all the cool new things.

Excellent. Rock on. Thesis on.


Tell Me About It.